Please take a look at all the wonderful reviews, referrals and results from past shows. We have successful annual events spread across USA and Canada.
Working with around 50 organizations in the USA and Canada, Raise The Woof has raised over $1, 000,000 and counting towards local rescues in the areas we play. Almost %100 of our events turn into annual affairs and bring continual funding to the organizations that are keeping animals safe and healthy.
Are you looking to get much needed funding for your Animal rescue or shelter? Please get in touch with us and we can route you into our tour. or call 323-570-HAHA (4242). We work with animal rescues across Canada and The USA to provide a high quality stand up comedy event, not only […]
A stand up comedy tour that works with local animal rescues in the cities it plays. Giving a voice to animals through laughter. Spreading awareness and raising money, a night of laughs that brings good feelings to everyone!